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Fund Region Appropriation of earnings ISIN Downloads (PDF)
QFS SICAV - Emerging Markets Equities MinRisk EUR A dis Emerging Markets Distributing LU0489951870 KID SFDR
QFS SICAV - Emerging Markets Equities MinRisk EUR I acc Emerging Markets Accumulating LU1395298554 KID SFDR
QFS SICAV - Emerging Markets Equities MinRisk EUR I dis Emerging Markets Distributing LU1120174450 KID SFDR
QFS SICAV - Emerging Markets Equities MinRisk USD I acc Emerging Markets Accumulating LU0612194984 KID SFDR
QFS SICAV - Equities Climate Transition EUR A dis Global Distributing LU2250014219 KID SFDR
QFS SICAV - Equities Climate Transition EUR I acc Global Accumulating LU2250014300 KID SFDR
QFS SICAV - European Equities EUR A dis Europe Distributing LU0374936432 KID SFDR
QFS SICAV - European Equities EUR I dis Europe Distributing LU1120174377 KID SFDR
QFS SICAV - European Equities EUR S acc Europe Accumulating LU2674669390 KID
QFS SICAV - Global Equities MinRisk EUR hedged A dis Global Distributing LU0489951797 KID SFDR
QFS SICAV - Global Equities MinRisk EUR hedged I dis Global Distributing LU1120174617 KID SFDR
QFS SICAV - Global Equities MinRisk USD I acc Global Accumulating LU1481644281 KID SFDR
Quoniam Global Equities Enhanced Fund Global Accumulating IE000VJ88XY4 KID
UniInstitutional European MinRisk Equities Europe Distributing DE0009750554 KID SFDR
Effectual Capital Fund SICAV S.A. - Global Sustainable Equities
Quoniam wurde als Investment Manager für den Teilfonds bestellt und wird im Rahmen des Portfolio Managements den von Effectual entwickelten und bereit gestellten Nachhaltigkeitsansatz implementieren.
Quoniam has been appointed as investment manager for the sub-fund and will implement the sustainability approach developed and provided by Effectual as part of the portfolio management.
Quoniam wurde als Investment Manager für den Teilfonds bestellt und wird im Rahmen des Portfolio Managements den von Effectual entwickelten und bereit gestellten Nachhaltigkeitsansatz implementieren.
Quoniam has been appointed as investment manager for the sub-fund and will implement the sustainability approach developed and provided by Effectual as part of the portfolio management.
Global Distributing LU2499835945 KID SFDR


Fund Region Appropriation of earnings ISIN Downloads (PDF)
QFS SICAV - Euro Credit EUR A dis Europe Distributing LU0374936515 KID SFDR
QFS SICAV - Euro Credit EUR I acc Europe Accumulating LU1820073580 KID SFDR
QFS SICAV - Euro Credit EUR I dis Europe Distributing LU1120174880 KID SFDR
QFS SICAV - Global Credit MinRisk CHF hedged A acc Global Accumulating LU1679511045 KID SFDR
QFS SICAV - Global Credit MinRisk CHF hedged I acc Global Accumulating LU1573954911 KID SFDR
QFS SICAV - Global Credit MinRisk Defensive EUR hedged A dis Global Distributing LU1262879767 KID SFDR
QFS SICAV - Global Credit MinRisk Defensive EUR hedged I dis Global Distributing LU1262880427 KID SFDR
QFS SICAV - Global Credit MinRisk EUR hedged A dis Global Distributing LU0489951441 KID SFDR
QFS SICAV - Global Credit MinRisk EUR hedged I acc Global Accumulating LU2250014052 KID SFDR
QFS SICAV - Global Credit MinRisk EUR hedged I dis Global Distributing LU1120174708 KID SFDR
QFS SICAV - Global Credit MinRisk USD hedged I acc Global Accumulating LU1565453252 KID SFDR
QFS SICAV - Global High Yield MinRisk EUR hedged A dis Global Distributing LU1481644448 KID SFDR
QFS SICAV - Global High Yield MinRisk EUR hedged I dis Global Distributing LU1120175770 KID SFDR
QFS SICAV - Global High Yield MinRisk USD hedged I acc Global Accumulating LU1525535875 KID SFDR
Quoniam Bonds MinRisk SGB Europe Accumulating DE000A2QFXM6 KID

Here you can find further information on Quoniam`s approach to “sustainability risks” and “adverse sustainability impacts”.


Detailed product-specific information and notes on opportunities and risks as well as the sales and paying agents can be found in English on under the heading "Downloads"

Detailed product-specific information and notes on opportunities and risks as well as the sales and paying agents can be found on under the heading "Fund Information"

QFS-SICAV (Quoniam Funds Selection SICAV)
Management company: Union Investment Luxembourg S.A.
Portfolio management: Quoniam Asset Management GmbH

Quoniam Bonds MinRisk SGB
Management company: Union Investment Privatfonds GmbH
Portfolio management: Quoniam Asset Management GmbH

UniInstitutional European MinRisk Equities
Management company: Union Investment Privatfonds GmbH
Portfolio management: Quoniam Asset Management GmbH

Effectual Capital Fund SICAV S.A. - Global Sustainable Equities
Management company: ONE Fund Management S.A.
ESG and Porfolio Consultant: Effctl Capital GmbH
Portfolio management: Quoniam Asset Management GmbH

Quoniam Global Equities Enhanced Fund
Management company: Universal Investment Ireland UCITS Platform ICAV
Portfolio management: Quoniam Asset Management GmbH