The science of performance

We develop successful investment solutions for institutional investors worldwide on the basis of quantitative methods.

As a pioneer in data-driven asset management, Quoniam has been offering a successful combination of scientific methods, technological edge and in-depth capital market expertise for 25 years. The result is an innovative active investment approach for the asset classes equities, bonds and multi-asset. At our offices in Frankfurt and London, an interdisciplinary team of over 120 experts works day in, day out on innovative, customised solutions for our international investor base.

What drives us 

Our purpose

Creating value through innovation and science-based investing. For a better tomorrow.

In our dynamic world, yesterday’s solutions may no longer work tomorrow. That is why innovation is part of Quoniam’s DNA and extends from the investment process to all areas of the company. We are constantly evolving, challenging the status quo and encouraging continuous research and learning. As an investment company, a positive impact is a better long-term risk-adjusted performance for our clients. As a responsible asset manager, we use our skills to support the transformation of the economy and society towards a more sustainable system. In this way, we make a positive contribution to a better future.

Innovative investment approach

Quoniam integrates machine learning and AI into its processes and combines them with the sense of responsibility and experience of our experts in financial market analysis and portfolio management.

Science-based investing

Based on scientific methods and forward-looking technologies, Quoniam develops and manages customised, highly diversified investment strategies and portfolio solutions for institutional investors.


A strong foundation

Quoniam Asset Management GmbH is part of the DZ BANK Group and is owned by Union Asset Management Holding AG as the main shareholder and the managing partners of Quoniam. The DZ BANK Group’s investment in Quoniam dates back to the founding of the company in 1999. Thanks to its ownership and its integration into the cooperative financial network, Quoniam can therefore build on a strong financial foundation.

  • Union Investment Group

    Union Investment (Union Asset Management Holding AG) is responsible for all asset management activities within the Genossenschaftliche FinanzGruppe. With € 433 billion in assets under management, it is one of Germany’s leading fund management companies.

  • DZ Bank Group

    With total assets of € 627 billion, the DZ Bank Group is the second-largest banking group in Germany (as at 31 December 2022). Within the Cooperative Financial Network, DZ BANK AG acts as the central institution and central bank for the more than 700 cooperative banks.


years of experience in quantitative asset management


billion assets under management

⁓ 120



Our innovation story 

  • 2023
    • Launch of the Equities Climate Transformation strategy
  • 2022
    • New Multi-Asset Global Data Sentiment strategy
    • Development of Purpose & Vision
  • 2021
    • New strategies Global Equities SDG, Bonds MinRisk SGB
    • Research goes to the cloud
    • All SICAV strategies are Article 8 compliant (OffVO
  • 2018
    • Integration of machine learning and artificial intelligence into data analysis
  • 2017
    • Implementation of sustainability criteria in all mutual funds
  • 2016
    • Launch of the global high-yield strategy
  • 2015
    • More than 100 employees
    • Assets under management exceed 15 billion euros
  • 2014
    • Opening of the Quoniam London Branch
  • 2013
    • Launch of Global Fixed Income MinRisk
  • 2012
    • Signing of the United Nations PRI initiative
  • 2010
    • Launch of the global equity MinRisk strategies
    • Launch of the fixed income MinRisk strategy
  • 2008
    • Foundation of the SICAV platform for institutional investors
  • 2006
    • Assets under management exceed 10 billion euros
  • 2005
    • Market launch of the multi-factor euro credit strategy
  • 2004
    • First mandate with sustainability criteria
  • 2003
    • Market launch of the Quoniam MinRisk strategy
  • 1999
    • Founding of the company as a pioneer for systematic, factor-based investing
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Statements from the management

“What thrills me every day about working at Quoniam is empowering our brilliant team to add value to our clients.”

Nigel Cresswell, CEO, Managing Partner

“Technological excellence is the basis on which we achieve information advantages for investment decisions and design our business processes to be optimised and efficient.”

Dr Alexander Beck, CTO, Managing Partner

“I believe client portfolios – now more than ever – will benefit from the diversification that quantitative alpha approaches deliver. At Quoniam, we focus on consistently and demonstrably achieving this objective.”

Jonathan Clenshaw, CSO & CMO, Managing Partner

“By analysing data based on state-of-the-art technology, our investment process creates measurable added value for our clients.”

Dr Volker Flögel, CIO, Managing Partner

“Our principal assets are our people – way before all financial ratios.”

Silke Weiser-Walther, COO, Managing Partner